Blocklogy is an initiative to help students grow their technological knowledge and get introduced to growing and emerging technologies. Blocklogy e-Learning App covers all the topics from Beginners to Expert level and provides costly-effective courses such as; Blockchain, Technoingress, AI & Machine learning and multiple courses based on futuristic technologies.

You will be learning Blockchain using different modules of different levels; one doesn’t need to have programming or any IT background to e-Learn Blockchain since Blocklogy will be providing knowledge from basic to expert level. Also, Blocklogy Quizzes will keep you entertaining while increasing your knowledge.

Followings are the topics you will be learning under various belts in Blockchain Course:

White Belt

Under white belt, there are multiple topics such as; Network Protocols, Basic Cryptographic terms, Introduction to Blockchain & Distributed P2P network and many other features and benefits of Blockchain along with its practical use-cases.

Yellow Belt

In yellow belt, you will be learning Basic of Cryptocurrency, Cryptoeconomics, Bitcoin & Ethereum Blockchain, Mining Algorithm, Applications of Blockchain and many more topics on the subject of Blockchain

Orange Belt

In an orange belt, you will get a complete understanding of Wallet & Its types, Metamask, Digital Signatures, Types of Digital Certificates, UTXO, Hyperledeger and various topics to improve your knowledge and expertise on Blockchain.

Green Belt

Learn Solidity & Its alternatives along with Smart Contracts, EVM in Smart Contracts, Web3.js & Ether.js, Smart Contracts on Ethereum Blockchain and multiple topics on the subject of Blockchain

Blue Belt

Under Blue belt you will be learning ERC Standards, ICO Smart Contracts, ERC20 Token on Ethereum, Hashgraph, Multichain, Advanced parameters and other topics covering various aspects of Blockchain technology

Brown Belt

Learn Elliptic-curve Cryptography, Bitcoin Payment, Go-Ethereum, ISON RPC, and Rust Programming with other important topics, quizzes, and videos included in all the levels of the brown belt

Red Belt

In Red Belt, you will see various topics such as; Hyperledger fabric, Chaincode, PKIs, Public Blockchain, Private Transaction, Stellar, Lumens, and multiple cryptographically sound systems to give you more exposure towards Blockchain & Its possibilities.

Black Belt

Learn about Micropayments, Multiple testnets, ISON RPC API, In-depth Smart Contracts, Node Discovery Protocol, Web3.js library and many other topics that will help you complete your Blockchain learning

Ninja Belt

Under Ninja Belt, you will get to learn multiple topics such as; IBFT Algorithm, RAFT Consensus protocol & Permissioned network, Creative private contracts, Docker & Vagrant, Multichain, and various utilities.

Now that you know all about the Blockchain Course of Blocklogy e-Learning App, don’t hesitate to take a step forward towards your Tech career. Install Blocklogy e-Learning App now, Subscribe for Blockchain Course & Learn efficiently

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